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Front Page Archive

Best cases to protect the Galaxy S8 and S8+
Leon Hitchens
Nintendo Switch: must have accessories
Leon Hitchens
How to track Nintendo Switch inventory and get notified immediately
Leon Hitchens
Vudu lets you convert DVDs to digital movies
Kyle McDonald
The Perspective blog gives two sides to every story
Leon Hitchens
I tried Soylent during SXSW 2017
Leon Hitchens
Fasten couldn’t handle SXSW massive crowds
Sunny Singh
Spin: Station-less bike share program
Leon Hitchens
Google and Levi’s project Jacquard get a price and date
Leon Hitchens
Soylent gets an AI spokeswomen in time for SXSW
Leon Hitchens
Edit in Google Docs, Publish on WordPress
Sunny Singh
PSA: Don’t put a wrap on your Nintendo Switch
Kyle McDonald
Portal Router Review: A router with FastLanes
Leon Hitchens
Mozilla buying Pocket won’t save Firefox
Leon Hitchens
Google’s making a bigger mess of messaging with RCS, Android Messages
Leon Hitchens
Overcast 3.0 launches with a huge overhual
Leon Hitchens